Sonora Chicken Enchiladas

I know this isn't a tea recipe, but I do like to add regular recipes here and there, and it doesn't hurt to have a nice pot of tea brewed for consumption while you are cooking.
I felt like having chicken enchiladas for dinner tonight and one of my new favorite things are the Sonora Chicken Rolls at California Pizza Kitchen. They are really tasty little southwestern egg rolls. So, that is what inspired this recipe. This "recipe" is not a measuring type recipe, it is a "throw in a little of this and a little of that" recipe, so please don't ask me for specifics on this one. I didn't measure anything when I made it up.
3 chicken breasts
1 can of beans (black, pinto, kidney, whatever)
1 can of sliced LINDSAY olives (no other kind will work)
some sliced green onions
some frozen corn (or if you're feeling kind of Bobby Flay you can roast some fresh corn on the cob and cut it off)
some diced bell peppers (or you can get the frozen tri-colored bell peppers to make is easy)
some diced cheese
1 can of cream of something soup (chicken, mushroom, chicken and mushroom)
1 bottle of Thick n Chunky La Victoria Salsa Verde (mild)
1 pkg of 8-10 flour tortillas
olive oil and some spices (I used onion salt, pepper, red chile, and cumin)
OPTIONAL INGREDIENTS: (meaning I didn't use these but you could)
diced tomatoes
diced purple onions
a can of green ortega chilies or
diced poblano chilies (again, if you're feeling all Bobby Flay or something)
Toppings: sour cream, more salsa verde, guacamole
Okay, basically here is how I made mine.
I diced the chicken (raw) and browned it in a little olive oil with some onion salt, cumin, red chile pepper and black pepper. (But, my friend Wendy makes some amazing chicken enchiladas and she grills her chicken first and it is fantastic if you have time) I threw the bell peppers in at the end.
In a bowl I put the frozen corn (just part of the package - like a cup or so) I rinsed and drained the beans and put them in, then the sliced green onions (like 3-5) and the olives (drained). Instead of grating the cheese, I diced it so that you would find little pockets of melted cheese when you cut into the enchilada. That makes me happy. All of this went in to the bowl. (At this point, IF I had used any of the optional ingredients like tomatoes, onions, cilantro, ortega chilies, etc. I would add them here as well. ) Then I threw in the chicken and peppers and mixed it all up.
In a separate bowl, I mixed one can of cream of ? soup and half the bottle of Salsa Verde. I thinned it a little by adding some water to the can and adding it back to the soup mixture.
Pour a little of the soup into the bottom of the pan.
Hold one of the tortillas in your hand and spoon a bunch of the mixture down the middle of the tortilla. Roll it up as best you can and lay it seam side down in the pan. Continue until you are finished. Cover with the rest of the sauce. Cover the entire pan with foil and bake at 350 for like 30ish minutes or until it bubbles all over. Mine made 6 enchiladas, but I had filling left over for at least two more, I just ran out of tortillas.
If you want them to look pretty, then remove the foil, add some cheese and bake uncovered for another 10ish minutes.